If your 8-week old kitten has contracted fleas, it’s important to treat the problem immediately. Here are a few steps you can take to get rid of fleas on your 8-week old kitten:
1. Vacuum regularly – Vacuuming regularly in areas where your 8-week old kitten spends most of its time is an effective way of controlling fleas. Vacuuming removes immature stages (eggs and larvae) and adult fleas from surfaces. Be sure to discard the vacuum bag after use as a precautionary measure, as eggs and larvae may be present in the vacuum bag.
2. Treat the environment – Using products that contain insect growth regulators (IGRs) will help kill flea eggs and larvae. Products such as foggers or sprays should be applied to carpets, furniture, drapery and pet bedding accordingly follow product instructions for proper application. After treatment, thoroughly clean any hard surfaces with soapy water or vinegar solution.
3. Seek veterinary advice – Topical flea control medicines are safe for kittens eight weeks and older, however it is best to consult with your veterinarian before applying any medication directly onto your 8-week old kitten’s skin as certain products may not be suitable depending on the health status of your pet and sensitivity they could have towards certain ingredients in these products
4. Flea combing – Use a fine-toothed comb to remove adult fleas found on your pet’s coat/fur which allows you remove them manually as well as give you an insight into how severe the infestation is before trying out other methods
5. Keep the area clean – Ensure that all possible sources of food supply for fleas (i.e., rodent droppings etc.) are eliminated from around your house or garden by using pest prevention sprays etc
Clean the environment: Vacuum carpets, clean bedding and furniture
The environment surrounding your 8 week old kitten can often be a breeding ground for fleas, so it’s important to clean their area thoroughly. Start by vacuuming the carpets using a vacuum designed to remove fleas and their eggs. Vacuum the corners of the room, paying close attention to cracks and crevices in furniture and baseboards.
Additionally, make sure you change out your kitten’s bedding regularly and wash any furniture that could contain fleas or flea eggs. Use hot water greater than 120 degrees Fahrenheit (greater than 49 degrees Celsius) when seresto large dog collar laundering sofas, chairs, and all other items that could potentially be infested with fleas. After washing these items with hot water, place them in an enclosed space like a garage for at least one full day before bringing them back inside your home.